September: 'Bonded' Rhinos at Ol Pejeta

While most people love September for back-to-school shopping and cooler temperatures, the thing we look forward to celebrating is World Rhino Day on September 22. In honor of this event, we have chosen Bonded, a touching print of Najin and Fatu, the last two northern white rhinos, as our September Print of the Month. Like most rhinos, this pair developed a close mother-daughter bond early on; however, unlike most rhinos, they have never separated, and their bond has lasted a lifetime.

In 2010, World Wildlife Fund - South Africa announced World Rhino Day as a way to celebrate all five species of rhinoceros with the theme, “Five Rhino Species Forever.” This initiative celebrates the connection between the African and Asian species while highlighting successes in rhino conservation, debunking myths, and diminishing the demand for rhino horn.


This annual celebration is particularly important to Render Loyalty’s founder, KT Merry:

“My journey with Render Loyalty is rooted in a lifelong passion for conservation but was sparked by an article covering Sudan, the last male northern white rhino in the world. Sadly, I never had the opportunity to photograph Sudan [before] he passed away...But I never gave up and...photographed his daughter and granddaughter, Najin and Fatu, the last two remaining Northern White Rhinos in the world. I cannot describe what it is like to literally look extinction in the eye. From sun up to sun down we spent the day with them in the Ol Pejeta with their guard and caretaker, learning, watching and shooting. I [am honored] to bring back these images and share their story.”



We may have lost Sudan, but we can’t lose hope for Najin, Fatu, and the thousands of rhinos depending on our support. This month, join us in celebrating the intimate bond between the last two northern white rhinos as well as the resiliency of all rhino species by purchasing Bonded for 15% off. As always, 20% of proceeds from your purchase will support the dedicated caretakers at Ol Pejeta, and your display of the print will elevate all “Five Rhino Species Forever.”

View each species current status in the chart below.

Data source:

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