Photographer, Explorer, Conservationist
Since childhood, animals have been my best friends and conservationists have been my heroes. My pets included: dogs, cats, rabbits, gerbils, a rat I nursed through a tumor removal, and a pet goat named Lucy who accompanied me on horse-riding lessons. I wanted to be a zoologist.
As it turns out, I wear cameras around my neck instead of a stethoscope. But my love for all living creatures has not faded, and helping animals is still my heart’s greatest desire.
That’s why I created Render Loyalty with my husband, business partner, and travel companion, Chad Keffer.

The Goal
By sharing the most magnificent wild animals, we aim to inspire a wider audience while supporting conservationists who protect them.
Thank you for joining us in supporting their efforts to save the planet’s vanishing species.
We bring the inspiring beauty of these animals into your home so that you can help contribute to their protection even from thousands of miles away.

A graduate of The Hallmark Institute of Photography, KT Merry’s work has been featured in numerous publications including: Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, People Magazine, and Town & Country. She was named a rising star by PDN Magazine and a top wedding photographer by Harpers’ Bazaar and Martha Stewart Weddings. Her multi-faceted company, KT Merry, Inc., also includes destination and wedding editorial photography, the KT Merry Fine Art, and educational programs for photographers and creative entrepreneurs.