Behind the Lens: Electrify Magazine Interview

Earlier this month, I was honored to be interviewed by Electrify Magazine, an online publication that highlights creative professionals around the world. I am humbled to have been given the opportunity to tell my story and share the amazing work of our partner organizations: Lewa Wildlife Conservancy and the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, organizations  that exemplify what it is to be a leader in conservation and are rooted in the values I hold dear.

As captured in the interview, the Render Loyalty story began three years ago when I realized that I must give my soul, my passion, hard work and talents to this cause in the only way I know how — through art.  I am unbelievably blessed to be able to use photography as the medium through which I can support the most vulnerable and beautiful animals around the world.

Thank you, Electrify, for featuring me among trendsetters who are using their talents to conserve our beautiful planet. These stories are inspiring reminders of the good that is possible when passionate people are empowered to make change. I hope you will take a moment not only to read my Electrify interview but also to support these global leaders working to make our world brighter.

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